Addicted to color blocking lately even though I don't wear it that often, secret obsession if you like. Caught the trend on Gucci's runway last year it was love at first sight.
Wore this outfit to school since my prof from my Intro to Fashion Design class made us wear our 60's themed looks though this is more of a 70's/80's look. (I didn't care even though it was graded) I didn't feel the need to wear a sun dress or a cocktail. Since I had a videoshoot for another class I just pulled this on and besides I couldn't take it off to change into a little black dress. Audrey Heburn peg? Never felt the need to be girly, besides my professor never showed up for class...
Kinda wanted to feel more retro so I added this scarf like neck piece though my friends just kept asking me to ask them "Beef or chicken" and pretended like I was pushing a trolly. Very funny.. love you guys still though. It was a good laugh.
One day out shopping a saleswoman asked me if I joined contests.. doble cara... you know the shows where people dress as half a man and half a woman.. singing as half a man and half a woman... you get the idea.. but still I love it and in fact I think I want it shorter.. bald maybe.. will see.
I'll leave you guys with (click the link for the song that inspired my tittle (: )